I was most amazed at this saftey labelling this morning.

I have just opened a very large parcel for me, when i say parcel i suppose it's more of a long foamboard tube.

I had been anticipating my delivery for some time, becuase as you can guess it's another sword

Know before you ask, this one is not another Katana it is an Indonesian made Dotanuki, simmilar to it's Japanese counterpart but of a much greater wieght about 8lbs and could easily cut through an average torso

Now i wasn't suprised when i opened the package carefully to find a certificate of authenticity with it, basically it detailed the manufaturers name and the style in which it was made as well as all the details of my personal instructions regarding its construction and legality etc etc.

However what still leave me rolling around in laughter is the Saftey ticket that came with it. It read as follows.

"Caution: Saftey First!
Plastic bag should be kept well away from children under 3 years of age due to riak of suffocation"

^ hahhahhhaaaaa i have just ordered and recieved a butchers blade, and would have expected something like sharp contents or danger very sharpe edge but this warning was hillarious.......

as if a child would use a dotanuki! HAhahhahahaaa

but thanks Mr Muhammad Ashraf Taidun Hodayuh, it is good to see you are always thinking of Health and saftey first........ someones got to do it i suppose......